PHONE: (216) 271-6055 | EMAIL: | HOURS: Mon-Fri 7:30-3:30

A Message From Principal Madkins


  1. Policies for Mitigation Strategies: Plan for incorporating eight different mitigation
    strategies included in current CDC guidance.
  2. Continuity of Services: Plan to address academic and non-academic services for
    students and staff.
  3. Periodic Review: Review at least every 6 months through September 30, 2023 and
    revise plan as appropriate.
  4. Public Input: Seek public input and incorporate revisions as necessary.
    DEADLINE: June 24, 2021
    DIRECTIONS: Post the plan to the school or district website and then email that link (URL)
    ODE American Rescue Plan: Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans
    CDC Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention

School District: Washington Park Community School
District Contact: (Name) Cristy Madkins (Title) Principal
(Phone) 216-271-6055


Describe to what extent the following policies have been adopted to incorporate the
following CDC Mitigation Strategies and provide a description of any policies being

• Universal and correct wearing of masks: The Washington Park Community
School’s Board of Education adopted a face mask policy as of August 2020,
which requires all students and staff to wear appropriate fitting face masks
while on school campus. This policy remains a requirement for the 2021-2022
school year.

• Physical Distancing: The school will follow physical distancing guidelines in
accordance with the CDC and the Ohio Department of Health. The school will
maintain a three-foot distance between students and staff when necessary.

• Handwashing and respiratory etiquette: The school provides training and
education to all students and staff on appropriate handwashing and respiratory
etiquette throughout the school year. Resources from the Ohio Department of
Health and the CDC are provided to encourage frequent handwashing,
sneezing into one’s elbow, and appropriate use of hand sanitizer. Signage is
displayed in all classrooms, restrooms, and high traffic areas of the school
building as visuals of appropriate handwashing, and reminders to use hand
sanitizer. Newsletters and resources which encourage handwashing and
respiratory etiquette are provided to families through print and web-based

• Cleaning and maintaining health facilities, including improving ventilation: High
touch surfaces are sanitized frequently throughout the day, before, and after
school hours. New HVAC systems have been replaced in some classrooms,
while all air ducts have been cleaned and new air filters replaced as
recommended in all units. An electrostatic cleaner is used daily in all physical
areas of the school which cleanses and sanitizes the air and surfaces. Every
classroom is provided with disinfectant wipes, spray, and an ion vacuum
cleaner to disinfect soft surfaces.

• Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration
with the state and local health departments: The school coordinates with the
Cuyahoga County Board of Health for all contact tracing, isolation, and
quarantine measures.

• Diagnostic and screening testing: Temperature checks are taken of students
and staff who display one or more symptoms of COVID-19 as identified with
the CDC. School vendors and contractors are screened and temperature
checked prior to school access to determine potential spread and/or hazards
to the school environment.

• Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff and eligible students:
The school partnered with the ESC of Cuyahoga County and provided the
opportunity for all educators and personal to be vaccinated. All staff at
Washington Park Community School are vaccinated. To encourage
vaccination efforts to students of age, the school partnered with the Village of
Newburgh Heights by providing access codes to receive vaccinations for
students and their families of any age.

• Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the
health and safety policies: Accommodations such as face shields and
plexiglass dividers are made for students with disabilities who are unable or
have difficulty wearing a face covering. Individual student needs are addressed
and considered through consultation with the principal and superintendent.


Describe how you will address continuity of services for students and staff, where
needed, in the following areas:

  1. Academic Services:

    • Students in grades kindergarten through grade eight who did not
    demonstrate grade level content were required to attend summer
    learning provided by licensed teachers. The school provided two
    learning sessions during the 2021 summer to extend learning and raise

    • All incoming enrolled kindergarteners for the 2021 school year were
    offered a “pre-kindergarten” five-week course during July and August of
    2021 to adapt to the school environment and learn kindergarten level

    • During the 2021-2022 school year, struggling students will be provided
    opportunities for after school tutoring in small groups in the areas of
    reading, writing, and mathematics.

    • At-risk students will be progress monitored frequently and provided
    additional instruction with a high-quality instructor in the areas of
    reading to improve skills.

    • The school will use effective, research-based progress monitoring tools
    and lessons that align to their benchmark scores from the NWEA MAP
    Growth Assessment.
  2. Social-Emotional:

    • Students will receive in-class instruction from a licensed social worker
    weekly on self-regulating skills, identifying one’s emotions, and
    strategies on effective peer relationships and healthy mindset.

    • Teachers will incorporate social-emotional learning through cross-curricular content when appropriate. Teachers will incorporate curriculum from The Zones of Regulation which entails a systematic, cognitive-behavioral approach to regulate one’s feelings, energy, and sensory needs.
  1. Mental Health:

    • Washington Park Community School has full-time social worker on staff
    for the 2021-2022 school year to provide 1-1 and small group services
    to students in need.

    • The school will continue to partner with community agencies such as
    Bellfaire and Ohio Guidestone for counseling services opted by families
    in the school community.
  2. Health:

    • The school will provide health instructional lessons to all students
    kindergarten through grade eight weekly.

    • All students are provided the opportunity of outdoor recess daily and physical education classes twice per week.
  1. Food:

    • All students kindergarten through grade eight are provided breakfast
    and lunch daily at no cost.

    • During any summer and after school instruction and/or activities,
    students are provided snacks, breakfast, and lunch at no cost through
    the Cleveland’s Greater Food Bank partnership.


  1. Describe how you will conduct a review of your plan at least every 6 months.
  2. Describe how you will revise the plan as appropriate.
  • Monthly, school administration will review current guidelines and plans. We will revise our plan as new information is disseminated monthly via our usual communications channels with staff, students, and parents.
  • Any changes to the current plan will align with medical experts, new guidelines, and/or educational experts’ review of student data. The school will evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s learning plan and goals.


  1. Describe how you will seek public input.
  2. Describe how you will take public input into account when making revisions.
  • The plan will be provided on the school’s website with opportunities for the public to submit feedback via online survey.
  • To date, the school has provided public input to the school board from parent meetings, administrator meetings, educator input. The school will continue meet frequently with stakeholders and invested families to gain input regarding the plan and any necessary revisions.
  • Public input will be gathered, reviewed, and shared for any revision considerations.

Review Period: What revisions were made and why?

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